July 19, 2023
The Start of Her Story

When you exit the hospital, one story ends—and another begins. I wanted to share my experience with the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics, which I am incredibly grateful for. When I experienced a medical emergency during my pregnancy, the hospital’s exceptional care team saved my life and my baby girl, Avery’s. She was born premature and weighed only 1 lb. 9 oz. The NICU staff took fantastic care of her, and after 101 days, she was finally discharged.
I am writing to let you know about U of U Hospitals and Clinics’ Here For You Fund, which allows you to directly contribute to the hospital’s top priorities and rapidly changing needs. From innovative new spaces and equipment to addressing emerging community health needs, your gift of any size can make a difference. The hospital depends on the generosity of families like yours and mine to continue providing world-class healthcare to our community.
Your participation matters most, and your support will help U of U Hospitals and Clinics care for you and your family.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in our community. You may not always be thinking about the hospital, but when it comes to health care for you, your family, and our community, they’re here for you.
Grateful Patient
P.S. Please make your gift today! You never know when your family will need U of U Hospitals and Clinics. They are here for you just as they are for my family.