Women’s Resource Center

Women’s Resource Center

The Women’s Resource Center at the University of Utah was founded in 1971 by a group of visionary women faculty, staff and graduate students.

During the 1970’s and 80’s the Center was at the forefront of many changes on and off campus:

  • Helped found the Women’s Studies Program in 1975 (later named Gender Studies)
  • Founded a training program in feminist-multicultural counseling in 1994
  • Advocated for campus child care
  • Monitored the general campus climate for women
  • Advocated for the hiring of women faculty and staff
  • Established scholarship programs for single-parent, non-traditional aged and first generation students

The Center played a role statewide and nationally helping to found: The Consortium for Utah Women in Higher Education; The Utah Math Science Network; The National Women’s Studies Association; HERS/WEST, a professional development and networking organization for women in the Rocky Mountain West.

Today, the WRC continues its tradition of leadership on women’s issues. We are engaged in social justice work to help end racism, sexism, homophobia and all other biases that may lead to violence, intimidation and threat on our campus. We work extensively to support student victim-survivors of interpersonal violence.

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