Legler Endowed Lectureship in Human Anatomy

Legler Endowed Lectureship in Human Anatomy

John Legler revolutionized the field of teaching human anatomy at the University of Utah. Through his tireless efforts, tens of thousands of students have gained a detailed understanding of the structure, organization, and function of the human body. Whether you are a former TA, or one of the many pre-professional students who are now doctors, nurses, pharmacologists or other health-related professionals, we invite you to participate in this opportunity to honor the memory of Dr. John Legler.

The School of Biological Sciences is a large and collaborative community studying all aspects of biology. We provide exceptional opportunities to learn, work, and collaborate across many levels of biological organization and styles of research in the heart of Mountain America. The School is committed to expanding equity and inclusion to make our community as strong and diverse as our research.
You play a vital role in providing support that enriches student experience at the School of Biological Science at the University of Utah. Giving opportunities are available at all levels and can be directed to a number of bio-initiatives. Gifts in any amount are gratefully received.

Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving is a wonderful way to make a larger, lasting contribution to a cause you care about. To learn more, contact us: t. (801) 581-6824 | e. legacygiving@utah.edu | w. utah.giftplans.org


Scheduled Pledge Payments

A pledge is an agreement to pay a set amount over a period of time with scheduled payments or transfers from a bank account or credit card. Please mail a completed PDF with your credit card number or a voided check.


Pledge By Phone

To make a pledge by phone or give in other ways (planned gifts, securities) call 1-800-716-0377.


University of Utah Employee Payroll Deduction

For employees of the University of Utah. To set up a one-time or recurring gift to be directed from your paycheck please complete this online form.

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