Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion serves the entire university system through resource centers, offices, and associated student, faculty, and staff affinity groups.

Our mission is to serve as a catalyst for transformation towards diversity, equity, and inclusion as an embodiment of the University’s core values with the ultimate vision of establishing a culture of belonging throughout the University and to become a model campus for equity, diversity, and inclusive excellence.


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Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving is a wonderful way to make a larger, lasting contribution to a cause you care about. To learn more, contact us: t. (801) 581-6824 | e. legacygiving@utah.edu | w. utah.giftplans.org


Scheduled Pledge Payments

A pledge is an agreement to pay a set amount over a period of time with scheduled payments or transfers from a bank account or credit card. Please mail a completed PDF with your credit card number or a voided check.


Pledge By Phone

To make a pledge by phone or give in other ways (planned gifts, securities) call 1-800-716-0377.


University of Utah Employee Payroll Deduction

For employees of the University of Utah. To set up a one-time or recurring gift to be directed from your paycheck please complete this online form.

Let's make a difference together

With your help, we can extend our culture of belonging for all.

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