Environmental & Sustainability Scholarships

Environmental & Sustainability Scholarships

Some of the biggest challenges we face today are at the intersection of social and environmental problems. As such, working to resolve issues ranging from climate change to environmental injustice require perspectives that crosscut the social and natural sciences.

The Environment & Sustainability Studies Program (ENVST) convenes interdisciplinary scholars who provide scientific training in its social context so to prepare students to meet these local and global challenges. Students receive training in the foundations of environmental science and environmental studies, with upper division coursework focusing on global climate change, challenges to sustainability, and environmental justice, as well as a diverse set of interdisciplinary electives that allow students to tailor their education toward their interests and career goals.
Your donation helps support scholarships for Environmental & Sustainability students. It gives them more time to focus on their coursework and engage in research, internships, and community engaged learning. Thank you!

Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving is a wonderful way to make a larger, lasting contribution to a cause you care about. To learn more, contact us: t. (801) 581-6824 | e. legacygiving@utah.edu | w. utah.giftplans.org


Scheduled Pledge Payments

A pledge is an agreement to pay a set amount over a period of time with scheduled payments or transfers from a bank account or credit card. Please mail a completed PDF with your credit card number or a voided check.


Pledge By Phone

To make a pledge by phone or give in other ways (planned gifts, securities) call 1-800-716-0377.


University of Utah Employee Payroll Deduction

For employees of the University of Utah. To set up a one-time or recurring gift to be directed from your paycheck please complete this online form.

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