Mines and Earth Sciences Development Fund

Mines and Earth Sciences Development Fund

The College of Mines and Earth Sciences’ location in a mineral- and energy-rich geographical area provides a study and research environment that extends far beyond campus boundaries. Because of Utah’s mineral resources, the college is pivotal in developing a region increasingly vital to the nation’s mining and energy future.

The college consists of four academic departments that offer six majors and four baccalaureate and graduate degrees. All faculty have doctorates, at least one-third have significant industrial experience, and many retain ties to industry. In addition to teaching, faculty engage in a wide variety of research activities. Graduate students and some undergraduates also participate in research.

Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving is a wonderful way to make a larger, lasting contribution to a cause you care about. To learn more, contact us: t. (801) 581-6824 | e. legacygiving@utah.edu | w. utah.giftplans.org


Scheduled Pledge Payments

A pledge is an agreement to pay a set amount over a period of time with scheduled payments or transfers from a bank account or credit card. Please mail a completed PDF with your credit card number or a voided check.


Pledge By Phone

To make a pledge by phone or give in other ways (planned gifts, securities) call 1-800-716-0377.


University of Utah Employee Payroll Deduction

For employees of the University of Utah. To set up a one-time or recurring gift to be directed from your paycheck please complete this online form.

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