Atmospheric Sciences General Gift Fund

Atmospheric Sciences General Gift Fund

The University of Utah Department of Atmospheric Sciences is the leading program of weather and climate related research and education in the Intermountain West and is recognized internationally for its expertise in cloud-climate interactions, mountain meteorology, climate physics and dynamics, weather and climate modeling, and tropical meteorology.

Our research and teaching endeavors provide the knowledge and tools needed by society to address the challenges posed by hazardous weather and climate change in the 21st century.
We are a student-centered department with faculty who are dedicated graduate student mentors and classroom instructors. Several of our professors have won college or university-wide teaching awards.
Your support will expand opportunities for our students in the classroom and beyond! Funds are used for special laboratory and field projects designed by students, awards, scholarships, and student travel to conferences and workshops.

Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving is a wonderful way to make a larger, lasting contribution to a cause you care about. To learn more, contact us: t. (801) 581-6824 | e. | w.


Scheduled Pledge Payments

A pledge is an agreement to pay a set amount over a period of time with scheduled payments or transfers from a bank account or credit card. Please mail a completed PDF with your credit card number or a voided check.


Pledge By Phone

To make a pledge by phone or give in other ways (planned gifts, securities) call 1-800-716-0377.


University of Utah Employee Payroll Deduction

For employees of the University of Utah. To set up a one-time or recurring gift to be directed from your paycheck please complete this online form.

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With your help, we can better understand the forces that shape our world.

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